Detect Worst Performing SQL Queries - Part 3

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This series of Videos will walk through how to detect worst performing sql queries which is slowing down Microsoft SQL Server, after this session you should be able to achieve below objectives!!

  1. How to find out during production peak hour what are the exact queries taking most of the resources and will benefit most from fine-tuning!!
  2. How to use SQL Server DMO's to gather what resources are the bottlenecks and which queries are causing those bottlenecks.
  3. Demo - How to find which exact queries are taxing production systems resources based on CPU/DISK/Memory/Network.
Please check videos for Part 1 & Part2?? for previous videos of this series!!


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1.CollectTopQueries_PrepCode.sql This script prepares pre steps for this exercise
2.FindTopCPUQueries.sql This script return top queries taxing sql server CPU's
3.FindTopDiskQueries.sql This script return top queries taxing sql server disks drives
4.FindTopNetworkQueries.sql This script return top queries taxing sql server Network bandwidth
5.CollectTopCPUQueriesInPeakHour.sql This script collect 2 snapshots of top queries taxing sql server CPU's within 5 min
6.FindTopQueriesInPeakHour.sql This script collect 2 snapshots of top queries taxing sql server CPU's within 5 min
CallGenerateLoad.bat Sample load generator to create test scenario's